Festivized Killstreak Blitzkrieg Stickybomb Launcher

Festivized Killstreak Blitzkrieg Stickybomb Launcher
Strange Peppermint Swirl Degreaser

Strange Peppermint Swirl Degreaser
Strange Elfin Enamel Loose Cannon

Strange Elfin Enamel Loose Cannon
Strange Peppermint Swirl Disciplinary Action

Strange Peppermint Swirl Disciplinary Action
Strange Festivized Snowflake Swirled Shotgun

Strange Festivized Snowflake Swirled Shotgun
Vintage Chargin’ Targe

Vintage Chargin’ Targe
Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at distance.
Genuine K-9 Mane

Genuine K-9 Mane
The K-9 mane is perfect for tricky social situations. People will either only want to talk about the hat, which means they’ll be distracted from that rash making its way up your jugular, or they’ll avoid you altogether. It’s a win/win!
Genuine AWPer Hand

Genuine AWPer Hand
This controversial bolt-action beaut is banned in thousands of countries, and with good reason: You could really hurt someone with this thing.
Vintage Huntsman

Vintage Huntsman
Strange Spy-cicle

Strange Spy-cicle
Nice Winter Crate 2013 Series #79

Nice Winter Crate 2013 Series #79
Strange Beanie The All-Gnawing


Strange Phobos Filter

Strange Phobos Filter
Strange Haunted Rogue’s Rabbit

Strange Haunted Rogue’s Rabbit
(Carnival Underworld Kills: 0)
(Carnival Games Won: 0)
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
Haunted Chicken Kiev

Haunted Chicken Kiev
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
”my favorite op is tweeter’s requiem”
Haunted Transylvania Top

Haunted Transylvania Top
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
The Count Tavish
The Transylvania Top
The Lordly Lapels
Haunted Candyman’s Cap

Haunted Candyman’s Cap
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
The Gravelpit Emperor
The Candyman’s Cap
The Bountiful Bow
Bozo’s Brogues
Haunted Silver Bullets

Haunted Silver Bullets
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
This is a special Halloween 2011 item
The Camper Van Helsing
The Holy Hunter
Silver Bullets
Garlic Flank Stake
Strange Haunted Vampiric Vesture

Strange Haunted Vampiric Vesture
(Carnival Underworld Kills: 0)
(Carnival Games Won: 0)
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
Dr. Acula
The Vampire Makeover
The Vampiric Vesture
Haunted Hard-Headed Hardware

Haunted Hard-Headed Hardware
Paint Color: Pink as Hell
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
Haunted Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul

Haunted Faun Feet

Haunted Legend of Bugfoot

Haunted Legend of Bugfoot
Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
This is a special Halloween 2011 item
The Brundle Bundle
The Buzz Killer
The Frontier Flyboy
The Legend of Bugfoot
Smalltown Bringdown Mk.II Minigun

Packable Provisions

Crocodile Dandy


Elf Ignition

Elf Ignition
Strange Apoco-Fists

Strange Apoco-Fists
Strange Winger

Strange Winger
Festive Frames

Genuine Distinguished Rogue

Genuine Distinguished Rogue
Genuine Menpo

Genuine Menpo
Antarctic Eyewear


Vintage Stockbroker’s Scarf

Haunted Emerald Jarate

Down Under Duster

An Air of Debonair

An Air of Debonair
This will apply an alternate appearance to an item in your inventory.
Unusual Bonk Boy

Unusual Bonk Boy
Vintage Lumbricus Lid

Vintage Ghastlierest Gibus

Vintage Ghastlierest Gibus
Collector’s Original

Collector’s Battalion’s Backup

Collector’s Battalion’s Backup
nearby team members from crits,
incoming sentry damage by 50%
and 35% from all other sources.
Rage increases through damage done.
Unusual Antlers

Unusual Antlers
Unusual Virus Doctor

Unusual Virus Doctor
Confidential Collection Case

Confidential Collection Case
Requires Invasion Community Update Key to open
Contains Invasion-themed Unusual effects
Crimson Cache Case

Crimson Cache Case
Crimson Cache Key to open.
Contains a community made item
from the Crimson Cache Collection.
Festivized Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher

Festivized Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher
Strange Warhawk Grenade Launcher

Strange Warhawk Grenade Launcher
Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher

Strange Legendary Lid

Strange Jungle Wreath

Sweet Dreams Stickybomb Launcher

Sweet Dreams Stickybomb Launcher
Unusual Helm Helm

Strange Head Prize

The Frag Proof Fragger

Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher

Sweet Dreams Grenade Launcher
Sudden Flurry Stickybomb Launcher

Sudden Flurry Stickybomb Launcher
Festivized Pink Elephant Stickybomb Launcher

Festivized Pink Elephant Stickybomb Launcher
The Bone Cone

Strange Hat Chocolate

Vintage Texas Slim’s Dome Shine

Vintage Professional Killstreak Lugermorph

Vintage Professional Killstreak Lugermorph
There’s no question you need this gun,
the only question is: where will you keep it?
Vintage Texas Ten Gallon

Vintage Texas Ten Gallon
Vintage Modest Pile of Hat

Vintage Engineer’s Cap

Vintage Mining Light

Vintage Safe’n’Sound

Vintage Safe’n’Sound
Vintage Southern Hospitality

Vintage Southern Hospitality
Vintage Wrangler

Vintage Wrangler
Wrangled sentries gain a shield that reduces
damage and repairs by 66%.
Sentries are disabled for 3 seconds after becoming unwrangled.
Vintage Specialized Killstreak Gunslinger

Vintage Specialized Killstreak Gunslinger
Vintage Pyrovision Goggles

Vintage Pyrovision Goggles
Vintage Frontier Justice

Vintage Frontier Justice
Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and
1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed
-50% clip size
No random critical hits
Revenge crits are lost on death
Alpine Panic Attack

Civic Duty Mk.II Shotgun

Macaw Masked Black Box

Macaw Masked Black Box
Civil Servant Mk.II Air Strike

Civil Servant Mk.II Air Strike
Snow Covered Rocket Launcher

Festivized Death Deluxe Black Box

Festivized Death Deluxe Black Box
Smalltown Bringdown Mk.II Black Box

Smalltown Bringdown Mk.II Black Box
Autumn Mk.II Black Box

Autumn Mk.II Black Box
Polar Surprise Black Box

Polar Surprise Black Box
Autumn Mk.II Shotgun

Yeti Coated Shotgun

Night Owl Mk.II Rocket Launcher

Specialized Killstreak Blue Mew Rocket Launcher

Specialized Killstreak Blue Mew Rocket Launcher
Spider Season Rocket Launcher

Searing Souls Air Strike

Searing Souls Air Strike
Festivized Killstreak Night Owl Mk.II Rocket Launcher (Factory New)

Festivized Killstreak Night Owl Mk.II Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Festivized Haunted Ghosts Rocket Launcher

Festivized Haunted Ghosts Rocket Launcher
Gourdy Green Rocket Launcher

Festivized Night Owl Mk.II Rocket Launcher

Festivized Night Owl Mk.II Rocket Launcher
Totally Boned Disciplinary Action

Totally Boned Disciplinary Action
Sarsaparilla Sprayed Rocket Launcher

Sarsaparilla Sprayed Rocket Launcher
Glacial Glazed Shotgun

Festivized Elfin Enamel Air Strike

Festivized Elfin Enamel Air Strike
Smalltown Bringdown Mk.II Panic Attack

Smalltown Bringdown Mk.II Panic Attack
Festivized Brain Candy Rocket Launcher

Festivized Brain Candy Rocket Launcher
Glacial Glazed Rocket Launcher

Glacial Glazed Rocket Launcher
Necromanced Black Box

Necromanced Black Box
Clover Camo’d Panic Attack

Clover Camo’d Panic Attack
Commando Grade Shotgun (Well-Worn)
+50% bullets per shot
This weapon deploys 50% faster
Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern
-20% damage penalty
Successive shots become less accurate
Quack Canvassed Flame Thrower

Quack Canvassed Flame Thrower
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Raving Dead Degreaser

Raving Dead Degreaser
Commando Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
This weapon holsters 30% faster
This weapon deploys 60% faster
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
-66% afterburn damage penalty
+25% airblast cost
The Gas Jockey’s Gear
The Degreaser
The Powerjack
The Attendant
Item Set Bonus:
Leave a Calling Card on your victims
Uranium Degreaser

Uranium Degreaser
Commando Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
This weapon holsters 30% faster
This weapon deploys 60% faster
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
-66% afterburn damage penalty
+25% airblast cost
The Gas Jockey’s Gear
The Degreaser
The Powerjack
The Attendant
Item Set Bonus:
Leave a Calling Card on your victims
Warhawk Flame Thrower

Warhawk Flame Thrower
Assassin Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Killstreaks Active
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Dead Reckoner Mk.II Panic Attack

Dead Reckoner Mk.II Panic Attack
Commando Grade Shotgun (Well-Worn)
+50% bullets per shot
This weapon deploys 50% faster
Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern
-20% damage penalty
Successive shots become less accurate
Rainbow Flame Thrower

Rainbow Flame Thrower
Elite Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Festivized Rainbow Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)

Festivized Rainbow Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Elite Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Frosty Delivery Shotgun

Electroshocked Shotgun

Glacial Glazed Degreaser

Glacial Glazed Degreaser
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
This weapon holsters 30% faster
This weapon deploys 60% faster
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
-66% afterburn damage penalty
+25% airblast cost
The Gas Jockey’s Gear
The Degreaser
The Powerjack
The Attendant
Item Set Bonus:
Leave a Calling Card on your victims
Civil Servant Mk.II Panic Attack

Civil Servant Mk.II Panic Attack
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Well-Worn)
+50% bullets per shot
This weapon deploys 50% faster
Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern
-20% damage penalty
Successive shots become less accurate
Festivized Death Deluxe Shotgun

Nutcracker Mk.II Panic Attack

Nutcracker Mk.II Panic Attack
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Well-Worn)
+50% bullets per shot
This weapon deploys 50% faster
Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern
-20% damage penalty
Successive shots become less accurate
Croc Dusted Shotgun

Autumn Mk.II Panic Attack

Autumn Mk.II Panic Attack
Freelance Grade Shotgun (Well-Worn)
+50% bullets per shot
This weapon deploys 50% faster
Fires a wide, fixed shot pattern
-20% damage penalty
Successive shots become less accurate
Cosmic Calamity Flame Thrower

Cosmic Calamity Flame Thrower
Commando Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Autumn Mk.II Flame Thrower

Autumn Mk.II Flame Thrower
Freelance Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Kiln and Conquer Flame Thrower

Kiln and Conquer Flame Thrower
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Fire Glazed Degreaser

Fire Glazed Degreaser
Elite Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
This weapon holsters 30% faster
This weapon deploys 60% faster
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
-66% afterburn damage penalty
+25% airblast cost
Igloo Flame Thrower

Igloo Flame Thrower
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Smissmas Spycrabs Shotgun

Piña Polished Degreaser (Well-Worn)

Piña Polished Degreaser (Well-Worn)
Commando Grade Flame Thrower (Well-Worn)
This weapon holsters 30% faster
This weapon deploys 60% faster
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
-66% afterburn damage penalty
+25% airblast cost
The Gas Jockey’s Gear
Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Flash Fryer Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)

Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Flash Fryer Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Commando Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Cool
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Killstreaker: Flames
Sheen: Hot Rod
Killstreaks Active
Festivized Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower

Festivized Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Cool
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Killstreaker: Tornado
Sheen: Manndarin
Killstreaks Active
Unusual Professional Killstreak Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)

Unusual Professional Killstreak Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Cool
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Forest Fire Flame Thrower

Forest Fire Flame Thrower
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Cool
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Unusual Festivized Forest Fire Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)

Unusual Festivized Forest Fire Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Hot
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun

Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Hot
Killstreaker: Flames
Sheen: Villainous Violet
Killstreaks Active
Flower Power Shotgun

Flower Power Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Cool
Killstreaks Active
Lightning Rod Shotgun

Lightning Rod Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Cool
Killstreaker: Fire Horns
Sheen: Hot Rod
Killstreaks Active
Festivized Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun

Festivized Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Hot
Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun

Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
★ Unusual Effect: Hot
Killstreaker: Flames
Sheen: Team Shine
Killstreaks Active
Strange Professional Killstreak Red Bear Shotgun

Strange Professional Killstreak Red Bear Shotgun
Assassin Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Killstreaker: Cerebral Discharge
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active
Strange Festivized Warhawk Flame Thrower

Strange Festivized Warhawk Flame Thrower
Assassin Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 261
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Strange Balloonicorn Flame Thrower

Strange Balloonicorn Flame Thrower
Assassin Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Strange Killstreak Balloonicorn Flame Thrower

Strange Killstreak Balloonicorn Flame Thrower
Assassin Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 52
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Killstreaks Active
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Strange Festivized Coffin Nail Flame Thrower

Strange Festivized Coffin Nail Flame Thrower
Civilian Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Team Colored Decorated Weapon
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Strange Killstreak Autumn Shotgun

Strange Killstreak Autumn Shotgun
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Killstreaks Active
Strange Festivized Dressed to Kill Shotgun (Field-Tested)

Strange Festivized Dressed to Kill Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 413
Team Colored Decorated Weapon
Strange Festivized Civic Duty Shotgun

Strange Festivized Civic Duty Shotgun
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Team Colored Decorated Weapon
Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Autumn Shotgun

Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Autumn Shotgun
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 344
Sheen: Agonizing Emerald
Killstreaks Active
Strange Killstreak Civic Duty Shotgun

Strange Killstreak Civic Duty Shotgun
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Team Colored Decorated Weapon
Killstreaks Active
Strange Nutcracker Flame Thrower

Strange Nutcracker Flame Thrower
Civilian Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Strange Civic Duty Shotgun

Strange Civic Duty Shotgun
Civilian Grade Shotgun (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Team Colored Decorated Weapon
Strange Festivized Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower

Strange Festivized Turbine Torcher Flame Thrower
Mercenary Grade Flame Thrower (Field-Tested)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health
Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects.
Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguishes teammates that are on fire.
Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Lightning Rod Shotgun

Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Lightning Rod Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 270
Killstreaker: Flames
Sheen: Hot Rod
Killstreaks Active
Strange Festivized Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher

Strange Festivized Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 539
Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher

Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Not Crit nor MiniCrit Kills: 0
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active
”One of the many weapons that won the war, even before it started.”
Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Brain Candy Rocket Launcher

Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Brain Candy Rocket Launcher
Strange Festivized Killstreak Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun

Strange Festivized Killstreak Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Killstreaks Active
Strange Festivized Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun

Strange Festivized Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 618
Strange Killstreak Flower Power Shotgun

Strange Killstreak Flower Power Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 2401
Killstreaks Active
Strange Specialized Killstreak Lightning Rod Shotgun

Strange Specialized Killstreak Lightning Rod Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Sheen: Deadly Daffodil
Killstreaks Active
Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun

Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Backwoods Boomstick Shotgun
Mercenary Grade Shotgun (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 685
Point Blank Kills: 22
Player Hits: 4766
Defender Kills: 12
Killstreaker: Tornado
Sheen: Villainous Violet
Killstreaks Active
Strange Killstreak Brain Candy Rocket Launcher (Factory New)

Strange Killstreak Brain Candy Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Kills While Explosive-Jumping: 0
Killstreaks Active
Strange Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher

Strange Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Pyros Killed: 0
Killstreaks Active
Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher

Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 2432
Player Hits: 10423
Defender Kills: 105
Killstreaker: Hypno-Beam
Sheen: Team Shine
Killstreaks Active
”Did you even try to fight it?”
Strange Specialized Killstreak Brain Candy Rocket Launcher

Strange Specialized Killstreak Brain Candy Rocket Launcher
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Sheen: Manndarin
Killstreaks Active
Pyroland Collection
Strange Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher

Strange Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Strange Specialized Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher (Factory New)

Strange Specialized Killstreak Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Mercenary Grade Rocket Launcher (Factory New)
Strange Stat Clock Attached
Kills: 0
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active
”On kill: Teleports enemy back to spawn”
Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Flower Power Shotgun

Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Flower Power Shotgun
Strange Shell Shocker Rocket Launcher

Strange Shell Shocker Rocket Launcher
Professional Killstreak Ubersaw Kit

Professional Killstreak Ubersaw Kit
Killstreaker: Hypno-Beam
Sheen: Mean Green
Killstreaks Active
Used to add killstreak properties and a cool sheen to an item.
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
This Killstreak Kit can be applied to a Ubersaw.
This is a limited use item. Uses: 1
( Not Usable in Crafting )
Professional Killstreak Soda Popper Kit

Professional Killstreak Soda Popper Kit
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
Professional Killstreak Diamondback Kit

Professional Killstreak Diamondback Kit
Killstreaker: Hypno-Beam
Sheen: Deadly Daffodil
Killstreaks Active
Used to add killstreak properties and a cool sheen to an item.
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
This Killstreak Kit can be applied to a Diamondback.
This is a limited use item. Uses: 1
( Not Usable in Crafting )
Professional Killstreak Machina Kit

Professional Killstreak Machina Kit
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
Professional Killstreak Rainblower Kit

Professional Killstreak Rainblower Kit
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
Professional Killstreak Gloves of Running Urgently Kit

Professional Killstreak Gloves of Running Urgently Kit
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
Professional Killstreak Back Scatter Kit

Professional Killstreak Back Scatter Kit
Killstreaker: Cerebral Discharge
Sheen: Agonizing Emerald
Killstreaks Active
Used to add killstreak properties and a cool sheen to an item.
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
This Killstreak Kit can be applied to a Back Scatter.
This is a limited use item. Uses: 1
( Not Usable in Crafting )
Professional Killstreak Bazaar Bargain Kit

Professional Killstreak Bazaar Bargain Kit
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
Professional Killstreak Wrap Assassin Kit

Professional Killstreak Wrap Assassin Kit
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
Professional Killstreak Bat Kit

Professional Killstreak Bat Kit
Gives the user special effects when on a killstreak.
Killstreak effects must be removed from an item via Restore button before a new kit can be applied.
Collector’s Cloak and Dagger

Collector’s Cloak and Dagger
Alt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make you slightly visible to enemies.
Cloak drain rate based on movement speed.
Strange Invis Watch

Strange Invis Watch
Strange Dead Ringer

Strange Dead Ringer
Alt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make you slightly visible to enemies.
Cloak drain rate based on movement speed.
Strange Cloak and Dagger

Strange Cloak and Dagger
Alt-Fire: Turn invisible. Cannot attack while invisible. Bumping in to enemies will make you slightly visible to enemies.
Cloak drain rate based on movement speed.